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FinTech Belgium
SK ID Solutions
SK ID Solutions


Tallinn, Estonia

SK ID Solutions specializes in international e-identity solutions. The company has 20 years of experience in providing strong authentication solutions. SK ID Solutions enables the citizens of different countries to log in to e-services and give legally binding electronic signatures. Company partners with the Estonian state in issuing certificates for national identity documents. SK ID Solutions caters to nearly 1000 organizations, which include financial, healthcare, energy, telecom, and other private and public sector e-services. The company's services have 3 million end-users in the Baltics. It means that every 2nd resident in Baltic countries uses Smart-ID. The tool has 1 million active users per day and 70 million transactions per month via 400 different e-services. SK is included in the European Trusted List as a qualified trust service provider. Company services meet high international standards (eIDAS, PSD2) and are regularly audited by TÜV Austria CERT and KPMG.

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